It's Finally Time!!!

This switching over to the new website thing is taking for-EEEEEEEEEEEVER.  It's still a work in progress, but I've decided to just go ahead & make it public. This website (& the others) will not be updated from here on out, so please refer to the new website for new content.

I'm so excited about doing this, because it's a compilation of all the other blogs & sites I've tried to keep up with over the years.  Instead of having them in different places, they're now going to be all in this one spot!  There's also a blog page that I'll be updating often, so you're welcome to subscribe to that if you'd like. 

The main tabs have drop down menus under them, but the main tabs themselves also have page content... So don't forget to click on everything :)  And don't worry, the empty pages will soon be filled with more & more info.

I wish it had the "follower" capabilities also, but it doesn't at the current moment.  So just use the feed or email subscription options.

Feel free to share with your friends (LDS or not!) & I hope I can inspire everyone a little more in the world of whole foods, food storage/preparedness, & natural living! 

Click below to check it out, & contact me or leave a blog post comment to let me know what you think!  

The Modern Pioneer Mom


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Please keep it positive, informative, helpful, & family friendly! In other words... HAPPY, & PG :)