Uurinary Tract Infection = YUCK

Have you ever had a urinary tract / bladder infection?  They are NOT fun.  They hurt.  They burn.  They give you a fever.  They make you feel flat out sick.

Last week, unfortunately, I found it necessary to figure out how to get rid of one.  No way no how, after all my hard work of getting off medications, was I about to go to the doctor & get on an antibiotic for this.  So I did my research.

Most of my answers came through www.earthclinic.com - (It's like the Amazon.com product reviews of the health & remedy world!  I love it!)

There were several things I knew I could try on my own also.  So I put them together, & in less than a week, I got totally rid of my UTI.....  ALL BY MYSELF!  :)

Here's how I did it:

Gel cap with 3 drops of Oil Of Oregano essential oil - 3 times/day

2 TB. Raw organic un-filtered apple cider vinegar (with the floaties!) - 2 times/day

1 Acidophilus gel cap in the morning & one at night

1-2 cups UN-sweetened cranberry juice per day organic, unfiltered, & with floaties, if possible)

2 tsp. Coloidal Silver in the morning

***The Coloidal Silver, Cranberry Juice, & Apple Cider Vinegar can be all mixed together & used as your drink to take the Acidophilus & Oil of Oregano gel cap.  Add some raw honey or stevia to sweeten it.  IT IS STRONG!  Some people can drink it straight. But I can't.  Blegh!

***Oil of Oregano is hot & burns on sensitive skin (& even not so sensitive skin).  Do not drop it in your mouth straight.  Make sure to use the gel caps.  As you're dropping it in, if you get some on the gel cap or your fingers, throw it away, wash your hands & start over.  (Seriously... If you don't listen to that tip, you will be sorry & wish you had!)

Last but CERTAINLY not least...  I drank water ,water, water, & more water.

Once I started to feel better, just like conventional antibiotics...  I didn't stop my treatment! I continued to take this stuff for at least 3 days, even when I felt like it was totally gone.  There is most likely lingering bacteria that will act up again & cause it to return, if treatment isn't done thoroughly.

This worked AMAZINGLY for me.  But feel free to do your own research as well.  There are herbs & other things you can do to get rid of it.  I just mixed the best of 5 naturally easy worlds :)


  1. So great to see you today at the Holistic LDS Living Conference! :) Your story is amazing! Truely impressed! :)
    ~ Kathy

  2. Thank you :) And the conference was super. I learned sooooo many things. Most, I'd already heard or knew about. But there was some new stuff I'd never heard about before, & a lot of fine tuning to the things I had. Please feel free to share my blog with your friends & family. I just want to get it out there. I want people to know what I've learned. It's life changing.


Please keep it positive, informative, helpful, & family friendly! In other words... HAPPY, & PG :)